Our Priest, Fr. Ihor Shved

Наш Священик, Отець Ігор Швед

O. Ігор Швед народився у с. Боневичі поблизу містечка Добромиль на заході Львівської області біля польського кордону в традиційній християнській сім'ї.

Після закінчення середньої школи у 1992 році у 1993-1995 рр. проходив службу в Українській армії.

У 1996-2001 рр. навчався у Дрогобицькій Духовній семінарії після закінчення якої у 2001-2002 р. був Префектом Дрогобицької Духовної Семінарії http://dds.edu.ua

У липні 2002 р. одружився з Лесею Угрин і у 2002-2003 роках разом з дружиною, на той час студенткою The International Theological Institute в Гамінгу (Австрія), був у Австрії, де брав курси англійської мови у місцевому The Language & Catechetical Institute.

2 липня 2003р. у Дрогобичі був рукоположений на священика владикою Юліяном Вороновським

2003-2008 р. служив на парафії св. Івана Хрестителя с. Шегині, Мостиського деканату, а з 2008 по 2017 р. служив на парафії Пресвятої Трійці с. Дережичі, Бориславського деканату Самбірсько-Дрогобицької єпархій УГКЦ .

З 2008 по 2017 рік отець також працював у соціальній сфері Церкви як заступник директора єпархіяльного Благодійного Фонду «Карітас» м. Дрогобич. 3 2011р по 2014 р. директор Всецерковного Реабілітаційного центру Назарет. Співзасновник та до 2017 директор Громадської організації «Наша хата» яка провадила будинок Спільноти взаємодопомоги для колишніх бездомних та людей у складних життєвих обставинах.

Як визнання за добру душпастирську працю та за вклад у соціальне служіння Церкви, владика Ярослав Приріз у 2013 році підніс о. Ігоря до гідності протоієрея з правом носити протоієрейський хрест.

O. Ігор Швед є священником Самбірсько-Дрогобицької єпархій УГКЦ і згідно контракту від 2017 року служить в Архиєпархії Вінніпегу.

З 1 жовтня 2017 до 1 вересня 2020 року служив на парафії св. Василія на заході м. Вінніпег.

З 1 вересня 2020 отець Ігор призначений митрополитом Лаврентієм адміністратором нашої катедри.

З 1 жовтня 2021 отець Ігор призначений митрополитом Лаврентієм парохом нашої катедри.

Разом з дружиною отець виховує четверо дітей: Северин, Христина, Меланія та Іван.

Rev. Fr. Ihor Shved was born in the Village of Bonevychi, near the Town of Dobromyl, located in the West Lviv Region near the Polish border. He was born into and raised in a traditional Christian Family.

He graduated from high school in 1992, and from 1993 to 1995, served in the Ukrainian Army. From 1996 to 2001, he studied at the Drohobych Theological Seminary, and then became the Prefect of the Drohobych Theological Seminary http://dds.edu.ua/ from 2001 to 2002.

In July 2002 he married Lesia Uhryn. They lived in Austria from 2002 to 2003, where his wife was a student at The International Theological Institute in, Gaming. He pursued English language courses at the local Language and Catechetical Institute.

In Drohobych, July 2, 2003, he was ordained into the Priesthood by Bishop Julian Voronovsky.

Fr. Shved served the Parish of St. John the Baptist in Shehyni, Mostyska Deanery, from 2003 to 2008, and later, the Parish of the Holy Trinity, in Derezhychi, Boryslav Deanery, Sambir-Drohobych Eparchy of the UGCC, from 2008 to 2017.

From 2008 to 2017, Fr. Shved worked in social services in Drohobych as Deputy Director, Eparchial Charitable Foundation "Caritas." From 2011 to 2014 Rev. Ihor was the Director of the Church Rehabilitation Center Nazareth. He was also the Director (and its co-founder) until 2017, of the organization, Nasha Khata, which operated the House of Community Help for former homeless people and those experiencing difficult life circumstances.

In 2013, Bishop Yaroslav Pririz raised Fr. Shved to the dignity of Archpriest in recognition of his good pastoral work and contribution to Church social services. With that recognition, Fr. Shved received right to wear the Archpriest's Cross.

Rev. Ihor Shved is a Priest of the Sambir-Drohobych Eparchy of the UGCC and, since 2017, serves under contract to the Archdiocese of Winnipeg. From October 1, 2017 to September 1, 2020 he was the Priest at St. Basil's Parish, in St. James, Winnipeg. On September 1, 2020, Fr. Ihor was appointed by Metropolitan Lawrence as the Administrator of the Cathedral.

Together, Fr. Shevd and his wife,Lesia, raise their four children: Severyn, Khrystyna, Melaniia and Ivan.

Our previous Priest

Biography of Msgr. Michael

Msgr. Michael was born in France on October 16 and came to Canada with his parents, Andrew and Catherine in 1948. He has one sister, Sister Andreja, Vladia of the Cross, Carmelite Byzantine Nun, and one brother Bohdan. He received his early education in Winnipeg and was an active member at Blessed Virgin Mary Parish. He attended St. Josaphat's Seminary and University in Rome from 1964 to 1971. On August 17th, 1969, he was ordained Priest in his home Parish of Blessed Virgin Mary Church, by His Grace Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk.

In 1971 he was appointed Pastor to Ethelbert and District and was also elected school trustee to the Duck Mountain School Division. In June of 1974 , he was appointed Pastor of St. Michael's Parish in Transcona where he remained for the next twenty years. As pastor, he initiated many programs and projects, including the completion of the interior of the new church with Mosaics and Iconastas. He spearheaded the completion of St. Michael's Villa five million dollar Senior's Home as well as the Parish Cultural Center. Msgr. Michael for 20 years served as Vice-Chancellor then Chancellor and Econome of the Archeparchy of Winnipeg. Other Archeparchial duties included 20 years Administrator of Ukrainian Park and Chaplain for Provincial UCWLC and UCBC.

Msgr. Michael is an active member of the Knights of Columbus 3rd and 4th Degree since 1958, serving as Grand Knight, Council Chaplain, State Chaplain from 1980-83 and 2007 to present, and was the founding member of Bishop Budka Council. In 1974, he was elected, and served for the next twenty years, as Trustee on the Transcona-Springfield School Division. Spiritual Advisor of St. Nicholas Mutual Benevolent Association of Canada since 1980 to present and was elected President from 1992-2000. One of the highlights of his Priestly duties was to be one of the three coordinators who prepared the visit of His Holiness Pope John Paul 11 to Winnipeg in 1984.

He organized over 19 world tours, including the Holy Land, Europe, Ukraine, Australia, South America, Mexico, Japan, Orient, Fatima and Lourdes. While Pastor at St. Michael's parish, Msgr. Michael through his spiritual guidance assisted eight young men from the parish to the priesthood who are now serving our Archeparchy, in other words eight vocations to the priesthood. From 1995-1999 was President of the National Federation of Priests Council and served on the National Executive for over 15 years. In 1994 until 2005, he was appointed Pastor of Resurrection Parish in Dauphin and district (10 missions). Under his leadership 72 stained glass windows were installed at the Resurrection Parish and the church basement was completed. He served on many boards including St. Paul's Home, Dauphin hospital, Ministerial Association, National Ukr. Festival, K of C, and Manitoba Gaming Control Commission.

On the 12th of October, 1985, he was elevated to 'Monsignor' by His Holiness Pope John Paul II and in 1994 'Mitrat' by Major Archbishop and Patriarch Myroslav Lubachivsky. In August 2005 was appointed Rector of the Ukrainian Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral of Sts. Vladimir & Olga. Many projects have been undertaken at this time mainly the extensive renovation and maintaining the beauty of this Cathedral.

At present Msgr., also serves on several Boards including CHAM, Oseredok, UMBA, NECRC, and served as Dean for the Ukrainian Catholic Clergy of Winnipeg.

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